Why trying to get RID of fat is the BIGGEST weight loss MISTAKE

And the new, little-known trick of lean people that flattens your belly in just 30 seconds a day.

If you want to lose weight, you must get RID of your fat, right?


Shocking new research by The Mayo Clinic, Temple University, ABC News, University of Cambridge and other leading doctors and scientists now reveals…

You MUST have a certain amount of fat, especially healthy fat, to get lean and energized… your body does NOT release fat as easily as you’d like (you’ll see why in a moment)…

And here’s the real stunner: The REAL reason people are overweight is NOT because of too much fat but because they have the WRONG kind of fat!

How do I know? Because I’ve helped over 3,000 people lose weight, even when it seemed impossible, by fixing their fat and making them leaner, healthier and happier.

Even better, in this short, information-packed page, I’m going to reveal a new groundbreaking scientific discovery that can help you safely and easily lose at least 15 lbs. in just one month and slim your hips, thighs and waist, to give you the body you’ve dreamed of, in just 30 seconds a day.

Sound too good to be true?

If so, let me tell you about how I helped Barbara K. of New Hampshire get out of the worst rut of her life.

When I met her, this 61-year-old grandmother was bloated to more than 50 pounds overweight… was winded just by climbing a flight of stairs… had trouble sleeping… and was plagued with, in her own words, “old age aches and pains”.

Things got so bad, Barbara told me her only motivation was to get out of bed and go back to bed each day. That’s not living.

But then Barbara started using the special nutritional secrets I recommend to fix her fat, and some remarkable things began to happen.

She lost a whopping 53 lbs. and dropped four complete dress sizes. Even better, she’s back enjoying the best of life, especially spending time with her five daughters and 16 grandchildren.

Now she’s smiling every day!

Her daughters were so amazed by her transformation, they are now following her lead to get slimmer and healthier. That makes Barbara proud as a peacock and of course, makes me feel proud that an entire family is getting healthier.

She tells me she wishes she had met me years ago, so she wouldn’t have suffered from unwanted fat and health problems for so many years.

Hi, my name is Jayson Hunter, and I’m a certified dietitian and weight loss specialist.

You may have read about me in USA Today or Newsweek… seen me on CBS, NBC, ABC or Fox TV… or read the Amazon best-seller I co-authored, Total Body Breakthroughs.

I’ve been on a mission for over 20 years to help people like Barbara get leaner and healthier, even when they DIDN’T think they could do it.

Maybe you’ve tried to lose weight without success. It’s frustrating, like your back is up against the wall, and it seems like the voice you hear is saying, “You can’t do this. It’s too hard.”

That voice is what drives me. My parents divorced when I was ten, and my dad bailed on my mother and me. It was tough going for a while… we lived on government cheese, powdered milk and food stamps.

I’m not telling you this so you feel sorry for me, but to let you know what drives me.

I had people tell me for much of my childhood and into my 20s that I COULDN’T do things. So I became very driven, even what some call stubborn.

As I was finishing my internship as a dietitian, my director told me I shouldn’t go into sports nutrition and private practice because I wasn’t likely to find a job or make a career out of it. She said I should get a job in a hospital.

But I proved her wrong as I was already hired as a sports dietitian in a private practice. When I told her, she was stunned.

I’ve learned, sometimes the hard way, that to be successful, I had to pick myself up and say, I CAN DO THIS.

And that’s the passion that drives me, 24/7, to help you do just the same.

Why am I so confident I can help you melt off unwanted fat and enjoy super health even if diets and exercise haven’t done the trick?

Because of what I’ve learned after helping thousands of people safely and naturally lose from 5 to 200 pounds at the VA Hospital, medical clinics and weight loss centers all over the country.

The most important new solution about weight loss I can share with you is this:

The REAL reason most people can’t lose weight is that their fat cells are toxic.

As I’ll show you, if you don’t fix your fat cells, it will be much more difficult, if not impossible, to lose all the weight you want even if you diet and exercise.

You see, TOO MUCH fat is not the main reason you can get overweight.

The WRONG KIND of fat is the culprit.

That’s right. There’s fat and then there’s FAT!

Here’s what I mean.

A healthy fat cell, like a healthy person, is trim, fit and healthy.

But a toxic fat cell is BLOATED and literally out of shape.

So you can grit your teeth and try like crazy, you might lose weight.

But as you’ll see, your body will fight you tooth and nail.

Because it NEEDS fat.

Healthy fat cells keep you slim, trim and healthy.

“Toxic” fat cells wreak havoc on your metabolism and hormones and cause unwanted fat.

To fuel your energy. To give you key hormones and proteins you need. To keep you warm.

The problem is, your fat cells are very vulnerable to becoming toxic.

Keep reading, because I’ll show you surprising new scientific research that explains what happens when your fat cells get toxic. It’s not a pretty picture.

Toxic fat cells enlarge, dump loads of excess fatty acids into your blood, wreak havoc on your metabolism and your hormones, cause you to put on ugly fat, and ruin your health.

And get this: Temple University researchers conducted the first ever study that proves that fat cells of overweight people are indeed toxic and unhealthy.

This landmark study showed that the fat cells of the overweight people were in terrible shape, riddled with inflammation and poor blood sugar control, compared to the fat cells of lean people.1

No wonder ABC News reports, “Fat cells in obese people are ‘sick’ compared to lean people.”

*The use of Temple University and ABC News is not an endorsement of this product.

In a bit, I’m going to reveal one simple thing you need to do to fix toxic fat cells and get the lean, sexy body you’ve always wanted.
(Hint: It’s delicious!)

And throughout this page, you’ll notice small numbers at the end of some of my statements. These reference the vast amount of scientific research and clinical studies behind this breakthrough, so you don’t just have to take my word for its effectiveness.

First though, you may be wondering (like many of my patients) how do fat cells get toxic in the first place and why does this make weight loss so terribly hard?

Let me answer these questions by telling you…

The Shocking Truth about Fat

Contrary to popular belief, fat cells are NOT just ugly fat or dormant cells you must obliterate to get skinny. They’re ALIVE and play a vital role in keeping you healthy, strong and lean.

Healthy adults have about 20-27 billion extremely tiny fat cells (that’s right, billions!). In fact, five healthy fat cells will fit on the lead of a very sharp pencil.

What’s more, your body needs a certain amount of fat for survival.


Because when your fat cells are healthy, your body uses fatty acids released by them to power up your body for immediate and long-lasting energy.

Fat cells store excess calories (energy) for future use, for times of famine or for when you need a jolt of extra energy

That’s right.

You need healthy fat cells to fuel your entire body!

That’s not all. Healthy fat cells release key proteins and hormones that are essential for your health and wellness, like the hormone LEPTIN which tells your brain that you’re full and keeps you from overeating.

And here’s a medical fact that will surprise you, no doubt:

Fat cells are permanent.

You’ll never have fewer fat cells, but you may have more.

A Mayo Clinic study proved this by showing that gaining just 3 to 4 pounds over eight weeks adds about 2.6 billion new fat cells to your lower body. This new research flies in the face of the belief that you have a set number of fat cells – and shows why fat build-up often occurs in our thighs.

*The use of Mayo Clinic is not an endorsement of this product.

What about the fat cells of overweight people?

They are massive in quantity – an overweight person can have as many as 75 to 300 billion fat cells – and in size, 33% larger than fat cells of average weight people.

Why so many fat cells? Because fat cells release a protein sLR11, which “locks down” excess fat and prevents it from being burned off easily, according to researchers at University of Cambridge in the UK.

Yet here’s where things really start to go bad.

If your fat cells become toxic, they become enlarged, blow up like a balloon and have a diminished capacity to store fat, starting a vicious cycle of weight gain and poor health.

Since your fat cells can’t store any more fat, that fat spills out and gets dumped into your bloodstream, levels of free fatty acids skyrocket, and you get fatter.

Worse… too many free fatty acids overflowing in your blood wreaks havoc on your blood sugar, causing wild up and down sugar spikes and making weight loss nearly impossible.

Toxic Fat cells cause a vicious cycle of weight gain.

If that’s not bad enough, toxic fat cells release inflammatory compounds – hammering your heart, draining your brain, impacting your joints, and devastating your whole body. It’s a vicious DOMINO effect!

But what can cause your fat cells to become toxic in the first place?

Poor eating choices, too much sugar, too many calories, not enough exercise and toxic threats from your environment, food and water.

How do you know if your fat cells are toxic?

They likely are if…

You’re carrying too many extra pounds and if you’re worried about your blood sugar, blood pressure or cholesterol.

If you’re a man with a waist over 40 inches, or a woman with a waist that’s over 35 inches.

If you’re 15-25-35 lbs or more overweight and it’s hard for you to lose weight.

No wonder Future Medicine writes, “Sick fat causes high blood sugar, high blood pressure and [abnormal amounts of triglycerides, cholesterol or fat phospholipids in your blood].”2

The truth is, if your fat cells are toxic, losing weight becomes like a 20 foot wall you’re trying to get over, with no rope!

Your hormones that control hunger will spin out of control, so you’ll always feel hungry, especially for sweets.

Your metabolism will be wrecked, so you can’t burn fat effectively.

Your energy and vitality will be drained, stressing your overall health.

Bottom line: If your fat cells are toxic, then it’s not your fault you can’t lose weight.

Yet I have GREAT NEWS:

If you “fix” toxic fat cells, you can enjoy unlimited weight loss and super health.

In fact, that’s how I helped Mike B. regain his health, his life and his future.

Here’s a photo of Mike when I first started working with him.

He was 100 lbs overweight, had 46% body fat, and a 56‑inch waist.

Mike had tried almost everything to lose weight: Crash diets, punishing exercises, costly meal plans… and he HATED all of them. He was about to just throw in the towel.

But then I began to fix his fat cells, help him eat healthier and get moving – and what happened next was like a miracle.

Mike joined the 100 lb club – that’s right, he dropped a whopping 100 lbs, cut his body fat by half, and shrunk his waist by 20 inches.

If you think I’m exaggerating just take a look at this AFTER photo of Mike. Photos don’t lie! Mike’s a new, lean, strong, sexy machine!

Keep reading, because I’m going to show you exactly how you too can fix toxic fat cells and get leaner, healthier and stronger than you’ve ever been.

And, as you’ll see, advances in science now make it easier than ever.

Think how great you’ll feel when the pounds melt off… your belly flattens… your waistline shrinks… and you get compliments galore with your friends and family saying, “Wow, you look great! How much have you lost?”

How are results like this possible for you?

It starts with a special combination of nutrients I’ve researched and developed over the past 20 years, nutrients not found in typical diets or weight loss programs.

The first of these special nutrients are…

Medium Chain Triglycerides

Also known as MCTs, these are unique forms of “good” fats.

The predominant form of fats in the American diet are Long Chain Triglycerides.

Medium Chain Triglycerides are shorter in fat molecules from a chemistry standpoint and because of this give you MORE weight loss and health benefits.

Medium Chain Triglycerides:

Provide 10% fewer calories than Long Chain Triglycerides

Are more rapidly absorbed by your body

Are more quickly burned as fuel for energy

And are better at firing up your fat burning metabolism.

And research backs this up.

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reports that in both lean and overweight people, post-meal fat burning was enhanced after consuming meals containing MCTs.3

In a study published in the same journal, the insulin profiles of women on a restricted diet improved when MCTs comprised 24% of their total calories. And better insulin profiles mean more efficient fat burning.4

What’s more, the International Journal of Obesity reports that MCTs were shown to increase fat burning and increase the rate you burn off body fat.5

There’s more.

Researchers who conducted a study of 60 overweight people in Czechoslovakia found that “administration of Medium Chain Triglycerides can improve the long term success of diet therapy of obese patients.”6

And you’re going to LOVE this:

Diets high in MCTs help suppress your appetite, according to the International Journal of Obesity.7

How do Medium Chain Triglycerides help fix toxic fat cells so you lose more weight?

MCTs increase fat burning, making those toxic cells an easy source of energy for your body to use.

In addition, with MCTs, your body becomes more “metabolically flexible” – meaning you use more fat and protein for energy instead of relying on sugar as your main fuel source.

More MCTs also mean lower insulin levels and increased insulin sensitivity, which in turn leads to less fatty acids floating around in your blood and healthier fat cells.

And the news is even better: MCTs reduce your cravings and quell food binging – all to make you leaner and healthier.

For a quick Medium Chain Triglyceride boost, you could eat some goat cheese or feta cheese.

Yet for my patients and me, the best source of Medium Chain Triglycerides is coconut oil… but only the special way I take it, which I’ll reveal to you in a few moments.

To fix toxic fat cells, you also need…

the right kind of protein

Protein is important because it’s like a “genetic trigger” from our hunter/gatherer days.

Our ancient ancestors were hardly ever overweight because they were in balance with their environment. They got everything they needed from the nutrients I’m telling you about in this presentation, especially protein.

When you get the right kind of protein, your body thinks “times are good” and automatically starts burning fat for fuel (instead of hoarding fat for times of famine).

The protein I recommend also improves your body’s “metabolic flexibility” and breaks your body’s dependency on sugar.

Teaching your body to burn protein for energy takes the stress off of insulin. You’ll consume fewer sugars, which decreases blood sugar levels and insulin response – and improves insulin sensitivity.

Better insulin sensitivity improves and lowers the amount of free fatty acids floating around in your body that make your fat cells toxic.

Plus, you’ll be happy to know protein also breaks down more slowly than carbs or fats, burns even more calories and helps you feel fuller, longer – thus curbing cravings! YES!!!

In fact, a study in the journal Obesity reported that eating more protein cut cravings by 60%.8

If you want the right kind of protein to slim you down, sockeye salmon is a great choice. It tastes better than farmed-raised salmon, plus delivers 25% more protein.

Yet for convenience sake, I prefer Whey Protein.

Men’s Fitness reports that Whey Protein helps you lose fat, preserve muscle and even reduce hunger.

In a 12-week study published in Nutrition & Metabolism, daily calorie intake was reduced by 500 calories and participants were given either whey or a beverage with matching amount of carbs, proteins and fat. Those taking whey lost a significantly greater amount of body fat (6.1% total) and better preserved their muscles.9

And in an Australian study published in the International Journal of Obesity, 28 obese men consumed four different drinks. Those who drank 50 grams of whey significantly reduced ghrelin, the hormone that tells your brain you’re hungry.10

Whey protein is not just for muscle builders. It slims you down and curbs your cravings, especially if you take it the way I recommend it.

To fix unhealthy fat cells, you also need…

the right kind of Fiber

Fiber slows the absorption of sugar. This makes your body work like a charm when it comes to blood sugar and insulin – and means less free fatty acids floating around in your blood.

It also allows your body to more efficiently use stored fats and proteins for energy.

Plus, fiber increases leptin, the hormone that tells your brain you are full, and adiponectin, the hormone that tells your body to burn fat.

And here’s the real kicker: The right kind of fiber keeps your blood sugar and insulin in check. This allows a hormone called glucagon to stimulate the fat-burning enzyme, HSL.

The result?

Your fat cells SHRINK by breaking down stored fats and using them for energy. So you get healthier AND skinner fat cells!!!

What’s a good source of fiber?

Harvard: Fiber Content of Foods in Common Portions recommends figs as one great fiber source. Figs are rich in both soluble and insoluble fiber – offering 14.6 grams of fiber in one cup of dried figs.

And to fix toxic fat cells, you also need…

Plenty of healthy carbs

Harvard School of Public Health confirms this by noting, “It’s more important to eat carbohydrates from healthy foods than to follow a strict diet limiting or counting the number of grams of carbohydrates consumed.”


Because healthy carbs like sweet potatoes, brown rice and black beans break down more slowly than not-so-healthy carbs and keep your blood sugar and energy levels steady and keep your calorie burning furnace HOT so it incinerates more calories.

In a bit, I’ll show you WHEN you eat carbs is even more important than the KINDS of carbs you eat. This way, you can still enjoy many of your favorite carbs – and still lose weight!

Of course, buying all of these special nutrients and foods individually sounds like a lot of work and cost, which it is.

My patients have been asking me for years to come up with an easier, more affordable way to get all of these special nutrients to fix toxic fat cells… lose at LEAST 15 lbs. in a month… and get leaner, stronger and more energized.

So finally I’ve done something to give them what they want and need.

And now, for the first time, it’s available to you.

Most amazingly, it only takes about 30 seconds a day… and it’s delicious!!!!

That’s right. It’s a lush, creamy meal replacement shake called…

Nutrient-Infused Slimming Shake

It not only fixes toxic fat cells, fires up your metabolism and supercharges your health – it’s also lip-smacking good!

Now in three delicious all-natural flavors: Luscious chocolate, succulent strawberry with real dried strawberry bits, and sinfully-rich vanilla caramel with a touch of natural honey.

Taste is important for a slimming shake that can replace a complete meal – and I think you’ll agree.

One Amazon customer said most meal replacement shakes taste like “raw pancake batter” – but not this one.

Smash-It! Shake tastes so good you’ll LOVE to drink it every day. It uses a remarkable natural sweetener, monk fruit. This was chosen instead of stevia, which has an aftertaste many people don’t like.

Even better, each yummy glass is a scientifically-structured meal – with the ideal amounts of all my top recommended nutrients like coconut oil, whey protein, Blue agave inulin fiber, cocoa and much, much more – all to fix toxic fat cells and help you lose weight, gain strength and boost your health.

Just imagine how great you’ll feel…

As the pounds come off almost effortlessly…

As you flood your body with natural energy…

As you beat those sugar cravings for good …

And as you keep enjoying great blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol numbers – just by drinking a delicious shake.

Even better, Smash-It! Nutrient-Infused Slimming Shake is a perfect meal replacement (yes, it’s a complete meal) especially if it’s hard for you to control portions or it’s hard for you to get enough healthy foods each day.

When I drink one Smash-It! Shake for breakfast or lunch, I tell you, I feel FULL and NOURISHED. And I don’t crave sweets or snacks in-between the shake and my next meal. Sometimes, I mix it a little fruit or some nuts for a yummy “smoothie.” Either way, you will be amazed at how great it tastes and how filling it is.

Yet you may be wondering…

Do meal replacements really work?

YES! Here are some studies showing they work like gangbusters.

People using meal replacements got more essential nutrients than from traditional foods and they ate healthier and better, according to The Journal of Nutrition.11

The same journal published another study that showed people using a meal replacement plan lost 68% more weight than those eating a food-based meal plan of the same calories.12

The Journal of the American Dietetic Association adds that those who consume 1-2 of these shakes a day have a higher long term success reaching their weight loss goals.13

So this is the little trick of lean people: Meal replacement shakes!

And the Journal Nutrition reports when someone consumes a meal replacement product for breakfast or in the morning, they are more likely to make better food decisions for the rest of the day. Wow!14

Yet I’m excited to tell you that the Smash-It! Nutrient-Infused Slimming Shake gives you even more.

It also includes…

The Spectra Blend

29 of nature’s most powerful, health-boosting fruit, vegetable, spice and herbal extracts and concentrates.

Including green tea, turmeric, broccoli, bilberry, cinnamon, blueberry, acerola, camu camu and many more.

I’m really impressed because the Spectra Blend is a full spectrum antioxidant breakthrough, the only one that targets all five of the most harmful kinds of free radicals at once, giving you an ORAC value of 10,000 per serving.

You’d have to eat over 20 fruits and vegetables to get that much antioxidant power.

Even better, Food Science & Nutrition reports that Spectra Blend…

Has a 91% success rate neutralizing the most dangerous free radicals, Reactive Oxidant Species

Significantly reduces free radicals by up to 45% within in one hour of use

Significantly increases nitric oxide levels by up to 65%. Increasing nitric oxide opens your arteries, improves your circulation, keeps your blood pressure healthy, sharpens your mind and memory, and boosts youthful energy. Simply amazing!15

This is why nitric oxide-boosting supplements and foods are used by Olympic athletes (legally)… and why a Nobel Prize was awarded to doctors who discovered the power of nitric oxide.

You’ll also get…


A remarkable amino acid that helps you lose weight and preserve lean muscle at the same time...

So you don’t end up with “saggy” weight loss.

Even better, leucine keeps your metabolism running faster, so you burn more fat.

In fact, Journal of Nutrition reports that leucine helps increase muscle mass and strength in frail older adults.16

Nutrients journal also reports leucine was part of a nutrient blend that increased fat burning by 33.6 grams a day.17

Yet there’s much more the Smash-It! Shake gives you, far beyond what I’ve ever seen in typical meal replacement shakes.
It also includes a unique…

Probiotic Blend

Of six of nature’s most powerful “good” bacteria strains.

For instance, lactobacillus acidophilus helps you digest lactose, and it also improves digestive comfort, based on research in the Journal of Dairy Science18 and Digestive Diseases and Sciences.19

And L.casei helps alleviate occasional constipation and improves bowel movement frequency and stool quality, based on a study in the Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology.20

Just as important, Smash-It! includes a powerful …

Enzyme Blend

To improve your digestion of foods.

This blend includes lactase, which helps you digest milk, cheese, ice cream and other dairy products and improves your digestion, according to Alternative Medicine Review21

Lipase, which helps you break down fats and prevent excess weight gain, plus increase the nutritional value of “healthy” fats…

And protease, which helps you better digest proteins.

Even better, Smash-It! includes…

Over 25 key vitamins & minerals

To help slim you down and boost your health.

I especially like the fact that it includes chromium and biotin, which taken in combination supports healthy glucose levels, as documented in a study published in Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews.22

Remember, without healthy blood sugar, weight loss is even harder.

And let’s not forget about magnesium, which can keep your blood pressure healthy according to an eye-opening study in the American Journal of Hypertension.23

If that’s not enough, you’ll be glad to know the Smash-It! Shake uses non-GMO ingredients.

Why is this important?

Sad to say, many natural companies use GMO ingredients to cut costs. That’s because non-GMO ingredients are up to 60% more expensive.

Yet the Smash-It! spares no expense for you, guaranteeing the use of only non-GMO ingredients – so you can safely lose weight.

To top it off, Smash-It! is natural and gluten free!

The fact is, if you drink Smash-It! once a day to replace a meal, you’ll be well on your way to fixing and shrinking unhealthy, toxic fat cells, flattening your belly and supercharging your health.

But because toxic fat cells are not fixed overnight – and because you may want even faster results, I’ve made the Smash-It! Shake the cornerstone of a new life-changing, health-boosting, body-transforming program I call…

The Metabolic Fix

“The Metabolic Fix” combines the Smash-It! Shake with healthy eating and regular exercise to form an exclusive weight-loss plan like nothing else.

One that includes…

A one-month supply of Smash-It! Nutrient-Infused Slimming Shake: Just mix one scoopful with 8 oz. of cold water or almond milk and enjoy a delicious, creamy meal replacement shake once a day.

Plus, to help you get even better and faster results with Smash-It!, you’ll also receive these 7 Valuable FREE Bonuses

FREE Bonus #1

“The Metabolic Fix” Book

A 3-Phase System for Repairing A Broken Metabolism and Healing Sick Fat Cells

In this valuable book, you’ll discover how to repair “toxic” fat cells and a broken metabolism, optimize insulin efficiency to burn more fat, and empower your body to follow a healthier lifestyle.

You’ll learn…

How to slim down your waist, hips and thighs without going on a severely restricted diet, which wreaks havoc on your metabolism, page 11

The secret to breaking your body’s dependency on sugar, fast and forever, page 13

How to “reset” your hormones so they work properly, like Leptin that tells your brain you’re full and adiponectin, the hormone that tells your body to burn fat, page 19

How to speed up your metabolism so you’re burning fat 24 hours a day, page 49

The carb cycling trick that lets you enjoy pizza, French fries and cheese bread and still lose weight. Bonus: Helps you control the hunger hormone, ghrelin, page 52

The “eat-more-often” breakthrough that curbs cravings and thins your belly, page 70

How to beat emotional pitfalls that derail any weight loss plan, page 107

And much, much more

FREE Bonus #2

Quick Start Guide

Puts all the key secrets of “The Metabolic Fix” at your fingertips for quick access and maximum benefit.
FREE Bonus #3

“The Metabolic Fix”

Meal Planning System

If you want to pair healthy meals with your Smash-It! Shake, you’ll have the freedom to choose from yummy, healthy recipes and build your own meal plan with pasta, shrimp, chicken, blueberries, chocolate and more!

FREE Bonus #4

Carb Count Cheat Sheet

This valuable cheat sheet makes it easy for you to know the carb content of many common foods, so you can stay within recommended amounts of carbs for each day of carb cycling.

FREE Bonus #5

Blending Made Easy

Smoothie Recipe Guide

Discover 20 delicious recipes using the Smash-It! Shake as the base.

FREE Bonus #6

Dynamic Training Guide

Exercises and Guidelines For All Experience Levels

Add stretching and movement to your daily shake to get you faster results. Discover safe, easy training secrets that trigger greater fat loss… build new muscle, flatten your belly, stretch, lengthen and unwind your muscles – giving men greater definition and women a leaner, more shapely body.

FREE Bonus #7

Shaker Bottle

Makes it fast, simple and easy for you to enjoy the delicious shakes.

Bottom line: With your complete “The Metabolic Fix” System, you get my step-by-step guidelines for scientifically-proven, patient-proven weight loss and super health success.
It’s the easiest, quickest way to get the body and health you dream about and deserve.

All without suffering or starvation.

I’ve seen the real life results and transformation achieved with the secrets revealed in this blueprint, and that’s why this weight loss breakthrough is guaranteed to work for you, even if...

You’ve tried to follow popular diets to the tee, but they’ve failed you

You’ve exercised like a maniac at the gym, but still the pounds don’t vanish

You’ve almost killed yourself cutting out carbs and sweets, but to no avail

You feel your hormones are out of whack or you have bad genes

You’ve lost weight on diets or meal plans, but gained some or all of it back

I also need to make clear what “The Metabolic Fix” System is NOT.

× It’s NOT a “magic bullet” that promises you’ll shed 30-40 pounds in a week

× It’s NOT advertising hype promising you can stuff your face with anything and still lose weight

× It’s NOT an impossible-to-keep, starve-yourself-thin diet

× It’s NOT a “forced” meal plan with foods that taste like cardboard

Yet I can tell you “The Metabolic Fix” System is the culmination of 20 years of helping my patients lose weight, safely, naturally and almost effortlessly.

Now, starting today, their success can be yours!

“The Metabolic Fix” System is so powerfully effective, it will give you the freedom to see unwanted fat melt off, your energy skyrocket, your health to improve, and your confidence to soar.

Getting on a scale every day to weigh yourself? No problem!

Fitting into your skinny clothes again? You bet!

Gladly posing for photos? Yes!

Turning heads at a class reunion? Bingo!

Picture yourself shedding unwanted pounds and body fat for rest of your life… transforming your body into a “new” you… looking and feeling years younger, healthier and more energetic… and putting yourself back in control of your weight and your health.

Sounds amazing, doesn’t it? And now, it’s all possible for you.

Of course, you may be wondering how much does a one-month supply of Smash-It! Shake and “The Metabolic Fix” System” cost?

A shake and blueprint that can do this much for you would cost a pretty penny, and in all honesty, it should.

After all, it’s based on fat-burning, health-boosting secrets that help fix toxic fat cells… secrets that have helped thousands of my patients get leaner and healthier.

I’ll get to the price in just a moment, but let me remind you that the delicious Smash-It! Shake and “The Metabolic Fix” System will help you…

Avoid the one true cause of unwanted weight gain that diets and exercise can’t fix: Toxic fat cells

Enjoy a leaner, healthier, stronger body you’ll love to show off

Discover a new way to shed unwanted pounds and keep them off, for good

Now, the price for the Smash-It! Shake alone is valued at $99 for a one-month canister.

That’s a bargain when you consider it would cost you over $300 month if you bought all of the over 70 ingredients found in the Smash-It! Shake individually.

Yet just for reading this letter, I’d like to give you all of the valuable bonuses in “The Metabolic Fix” SystemFREE of charge.

These exclusive bonuses will help you get even better, faster results from the creamy, delicious Smash-It! Shake.

It’s easy to see why the Smash-It! Shake and “The Metabolic Fix” System – together – are valued at $169, even without these bonuses.

But that’s not what you are paying today.

I want you to join thousands of my patients who have put these weight loss secrets to work – who have fixed toxic fat cells and poor metabolism and who are enjoying the freedom of slimmer, healthier, stronger bodies.

That means you are not paying the retail value of $169. Not even close.

Your total investment today, which includes a one-month canister of the Smash-It! Shake and “The Metabolic Fix” System with all the bonuses mentioned above is NOW yours for only one payment of $49.95.

Just $49.95

60-Day 100% Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee

Think about how much you spend right now for each meal, each day. $5? $10? More? Smash-It! Shake can be yours for under $2.35 a meal.

Now you can see why this is such a sweet (and affordable) deal!

Even better, you can order today without any risk. Zero!

That’s because your order is protected by not just one, but by three money-back guarantees.

Here’s my 100% Iron Clad Money-Back, Triple Guarantee of Satisfaction.

Guarantee #1: If you don’t lose at least 15 lbs. of unwanted fat in the first month and shed more pounds after that, we’ll issue you a refund. No questions asked.

Guarantee #2: If you don’t enjoy the taste of the creamy, delicious Smash-It! Shake, we’ll issue you a refund. No questions asked.

Guarantee #3: If you don’t feel more energized, revitalized and stronger... if you don’t have healthier blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol after dropping the weight... and if your whole body doesn’t feel renewed and transformed after drinking the Smash-It! Shake and following The Metabolic Fix, just let us know within 60 days and you will receive a no-hassle refund of your purchase. Nothing could be more fair than that.

Either the Smash-It! Shake and The Metabolic Fix work for you, or they’re FREE!

Of course, if you’ve read this far, you may still have a few questions about the Smash‑It! Shake and The Metabolic Fix – so here are common ones I hear.
Q: How often do I drink the Smash-It! Shake?

A: During the first month, you can drink it once a day as a meal replacement. Or if you want even faster results, you can drink it twice a day.

Q: How does it taste?

A: Each flavor tastes delicious – Whether you choose luscious chocolate… succulent strawberry with real dried strawberry bits… or sinfully-rich vanilla caramel with a touch of natural honey. The texture of each flavor is nice and creamy, and it’s not overly sweet at all. The shake is naturally sweetened by monk fruit and is NOT artificially sweetened in any way.

Q: Can I mix other things with the shake?

A: Of course. In fact, you get a FREE “Smoothie Recipe Book” in “The Metabolic Fix” System that gives you many yummy options. Add your favorite fruits or natural goodies and enjoy an even tastier, nutritious shake.

Q: Do I have to cut out all carbs?

A: Not at all. You can eat many of your favorite carbs, but WHEN you eat them is most important. I’ll show you how my “carb cycling” secret helps you use carbs to lose more weight, not gain it.

Q: How hard is healthy meal planning going to be?

A: I make it easy for you. If you’d like, you can combine the shake with easy-to-make recipes for tasty breakfast, lunch and dinner meals, using healthy foods you buy or already have in stock. Delicious, slimming meals that you’ll just love.

Now, when it comes down to it, you have two choices.

You can take the information you’ve learned from my presentation and try to do it on your own. It may work for a while, but it will likely be hard to keep it up. You may lose a few pounds, but could easily regain them all, or more.

Or you can let me show you the way… with my easy-to-follow program: The creamy, delicious Smash-It! Shake and “The Metabolic Fix” System

All the research, all the testing, all the hard work has been done for you.

Yet this is VERY IMPORTANT: You need to do something NOW

Something to shed extra pounds, eliminate cravings and re-energize your new slimmer, healthier body before it’s too late.

Not doing something now can lead to bigger problems… something I saw every day at my work at the VA Hospital.

I tried to help many vets struggling with being overweight. Deep in their hearts they KNEW they had to lose weight.

Sadly, my advice often fell on deaf ears. None of the vets wanted to hear about losing weight and getting healthier UNTIL they had a major health scare.

After these shocking disasters, these vets were begging for my help.

So I began to work with them by fixing unhealthy fat.

Not only did I help them lose stubborn pounds, but EVERYTHING else got better, too.

Their blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol, heart health, energy and more. It was like a dynamic transformation of their health – and the same thing can happen to you.

So do something NOW for your health, your body and your future.

If you’re determined to…

Shrink your waist 2-6 inches

Drop 2-6 dress sizes or 1-2 shirt sizes

Get rid of belly fat and love handles for good

Fit into your “skinny” clothes again

Love the way you look in the mirror

Keep your blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol at healthy levels

Get compliments galore with a new, leaner, healthier you

And enjoy decades more of great years with your children, grandchildren and extended family…

Then order the Smash-It! Shake and “The Metabolic Fix” System Today.

Act now, and fix toxic fat cells… lose at LEAST 15 lbs in just a month… get leaner, stronger and healthier… and show off the new, transformed you!

Remember, you won’t risk one cent for trying it out. My program is backed by an Iron-Clad, 100% Satisfaction, 60-day money back guarantee. So order now.

Get the Smash-It! Shake and “The Metabolic Fix” System Today: Just $49.95

Just $49.95

60-Day 100% Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee
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